MOPNOWRIMO again: Day 1 (30/4/2012)

Time to write another novel in a month. It’s been time for a while but I’ve been poutting it off. Starting is always the hardest part. It’s not made any easier by having a couple of kick-ass trailers around at the moment:

For Prometheus (and it’s the soundtrack more than anything that sends shivers down my spine). The link is in case you’re one of the three people in the world who hasn’t see it already.#

For The Witcher 2. Please, someone buy me a book-trailer that’s this good? Anyone?

This sort of thing makes it that much harder to sit down and write, knowing that whatever happens, it’s not going to be this. Meh.And even though I know the feeling goes as soon as the story starts to flow, and even though I know the story starts to flow almost as soon as I force out the first words, stil meh. And procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate. Hence I’m writing this instead of laying down the prologue chapter one.

Today’s wordcount target: 5000.


2 Responses to “MOPNOWRIMO again: Day 1 (30/4/2012)”

  1. Iangr says:

    Prometheus seems to be the best upcoming sci-fi flick,I haven’t seen a decent sci-fic movie since Inception or District 9.
    Also “The Looper” (check its trailer in youtube) seems very interesting.
    As far as RPGs go,I’m eagerly awaiting Diablo 3.
    But now that summertime is upon us,there’s no better thing than reading in thick shades.

  2. Stephen says:

    I had a lot of time for Moon and Source Code too. Checking out The Looper will surely give me an excuse not to be writing very shortly… :-)

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