Rats and the Ruling Sea (13/10/09)
Much to shared delight in this house, our copy of Rats and the Ruling Sea arrived this morning (not in the shops yet – that’s one of the few privileges of an author). For anyone who doesn’t already know, this is the sequel to The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert Redick. The Red Wolf Conspiracy is the most imaginative fantasy I’ve read in a long time and I thoroughly recommend it. For anyone interested in their own advance copy of Rats and the Ruling Sea, Robert will be in Forbidden Planet, London on Friday 16th from 6-7pm, and so will I, begging like everyone else for an autograph.
October 14th, 2009 at 11: 02 am
Cool. My copy arrived yesterday too (the privilege of grovelling
). Will see you on Friday then as we queue for Robert to sign our books
- Neil.