Total Recall (10/10/2012)

A week tomorrow The King’s Assassin officially comes out, although there are places selling it already (or there were at Fantasycon). Anyway, that got me to thinking I should start up the book giveaways again. They seem to be at least slightly popular. Free books? Can’t imagine why. . . And I’m STILL looking at my shelf of books to give away and seeing Altered Carbon and Sharps, and I STILL haven’t read them, and now they have to fight with Wolfhound Century the Fractal Prince too.

So you get one of mine again. A choice this time: The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice or, if you’ve already read that, The Warlock’s Shadow.

warlocks shadow cover - shrunkthieftakers apprentice cover

It’ll probably be a trade paperback edition. Usual deal – comment on this post and I’ll randomly select a lucky victim for a free copy of the book. In order to enter, comment on this post before 14th October. My challenge to you all this time, given that how many  “The xxxx’s Apprentice” books there are, is to come up with the most ridiculous YA book title you can think of (fictional or real, I don’t care).

You can be as rude as you like as long as you’re not libellous. The gods of random don’t care. But if you make me laugh I might send an exciting bonus goody your way[1]. Although, though no one has yet complained about how long it takes me to get to the post office and post things, it can take a while and if you live abroad then it can take even longer. Sorry about that, but they do get there eventually. Well, so far.

The news part of this update is that I recalled the manuscript for Dragon Queen last week and am rewriting again.  I’ve known for a while that I wanted to do some more work on it and decided I couldn’t wait any longer for the editorial comments before I started looking. And then when I looked, I couldn’t leave it alone. So yes, recalled. Provided I get the rewrite done within the month, it still stands a decent chance of coming out when it was supposed to. It’s, ah. . . going to be about twice as long as the others in the series. Sorry about that. . .

There are some nice reviews starting to show up for The Black Mausoleum. More on both next update.

[1] Exciting bonus goody not guaranteed to be exciting

9 Responses to “Total Recall (10/10/2012)”

  1. Loerwyn says:

    Most ridiculous YA title, hm?

    The Twilight Games and the Wizard of Spellcasting School No. 666, Book 1 of the Realm of the Broken Children in the Forest of Magical Assassin Bears.

    I think I just killed the joke and danced around its corpse whilst wearing a clown costume.


  2. Doug Sturtevant says:

    The Chosen One Farmboy’s Elfish Apprentice Book 2: The Revenge of the Really Super Evil Dark Lord And, Also, Talking Cats.

  3. Douglas Smith says:

    The Snake-Milker’s Apprentice: Book 1 of The Pasteurised Python Chronicles

  4. Lisa says:

    Werepire Rising: The Lost chronicles of the Last Vampire Werewolf Forbidden Love Child

  5. Alex Bardy says:

    I’d have to say a free copy of Thief-Taker’s Apprentice sounds like a steal, either that, or it’s daylight robbery… B-)

  6. sam baskin says:

    the vampire lover’s apprentice

  7. Robin says:

    The thief takers ASBO
    Pimp my warlocks shadow
    Alan Sugars Assassin

  8. Robin says:

    Twilight :blade v Edward (it’s time to kick sparkles ass)

  9. Stephen says:

    OK – the gods of random choose the pasteurized python! I like the idea of Magical Assassin Bears though.

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